The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership has announced the beggining of a new Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) for small pelagic fisheries in Mauritania. Together, international fishing sector stakeholders, fishmeals and fish oils buyers, exporters and processors, in collaboration with the Mauritanian fishery authority, signed a memorandum, marking the FIP’s official beginning.
As a major actor in fish oils, we, at OLVEA Fish Oils, take responsible sourcing seriously, as we are continuously promoting sustainable fishing. For this reason, we have decided to take part in this global approach, with other stakeholders such as le Ministère de Pêches et de l’Economie Maritime (MPEM), la Fédération de Recherche Océanographique et des Pêches (IMROP), l’Office Nationale d’Inspection Sanitaire des Produits de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture (ONISPA), and Rim Fish Meal.
In order to carry out this mission, a fishery assessment will be established to identify gaps to the IFFO RS standards and workshops have been planned to identify improvement actions. This commitment will eventually allow us to apply and obtain new certifications (such as the Marine Stewardship Council).