March 18: Global Recycling Day
♻️ Today is Global Recycling Day ! A day dedicated to recognizing and supporting the importance that recycling plays in preserving our natural resources and securing the future of our planet! ♻️
Sustainability is one of OLVEA’s core values and so is Recycling!
Overview of our actions carried out in 2021:
🔹 4,400 tons of by-products were reused in methanization to produce renewable gas. This action contributed to the production of 444,000 m3 of biomethane, or the equivalent to 365 gas-heated households!
🔹 90% of our oils were delivered in low-environmental impact packagings (bulk, IBC, cardboard boxes)
🔹 Our fully integrated TrueShea™ supply chain contributes to the circular economy (biomass boiler fuelled by shea cakes) enabling us to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our production.
🔹 We also offer a unique range of natural and upcycled vegetable oils for cosmetics: Apricot, Avocado, Macadamia, Olive, Sweet Almond, Hazelnut, Grapeseed, Sesame, Walnut…
…and so much more to come in 2022!